Monday, March 8, 2010

Royalty In the Making

Many of you know that I am quite involved with the Airdrie Rodeo Ranch Association as Director of the Queen Committee. It started back in 2006 and Janine Krumm, the Airdrie Pro Rodeo Princess, was part of my first duo. Since then I've been hooked and Janine and I have become great friends.
Since Janine was crowned her little sister Jenna, has been dreaming of when she gets to run for Airdrie in 2014. To help her get started she had decided to run for the Crossfield Royalty this year in 2010.
I was priviledged enough to be asked to take her application photos this year, and here are the top 5 of the bunch.

Good Luck Jenna, we all know you will do so well.


  1. These are great Leanne - update more often :)

  2. They turned out fantastic-as ALWAYS!!!!

    Thank you again! We both love having a big sister to help us be princesses! You're the best!

    xoxo Janine and Jenna
